Unlike repurposed facilities, the Applied Research Center (ARC) was created specifically as a place for both primary technical research into and collaborative discussions about applied technologies in energy, healthcare, homeland security, transportation, and other applications.
One side of ARC is devoted to the Department of Energy’s Savannah River National Laboratory, focused for more than six decades on handling, storing, and using hydrogen as a fuel. SRNL recently established an Energy Materials Research Laboratory, with six new, flexible labs to support research in nuclear energy, energy storage materials and systems, solar energy materials, materials for wind and marine energy systems, and carbon dioxide capture.
The other side of ARC includes more than 17,000 square feet of advanced laboratories that are ready for immediate use by researchers from industry, academia, and government. These flexible and easily adaptable labs offer:
In addition, we recently added a 600-square-foot lab focused on microwave and RF research.
The ARC’s state-of-the art conference facility is equipped for meetings, global teleconferences, and other opportunities for scientists, researchers, policymakers, and others to share information. The meeting room accommodates up to 125 people, and is wired for abundant audio-visual capabilities. Our full kitchen is ideal for caterers. We also have an executive board room, a private office for guest lecturers and visiting researchers, and a commons with a generous area for displays.Stendra
Hitachi’s next generation Cold Field Emission SEM offers unmatched low‑voltage imaging and comprehensive analytical microanalysis with the uncompromised performance of CFE. Approved users are able to reserve ARC's SEM.
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